Personal cabinet

Privacy policy

According to privacy policy, the Allprint company keeps all personal information about users and for rendering services provides support marks. These purposes enters:


1. The personalized content for users and advertising services;

2. Safety of services and collect them, research and analysis;

3. Technical support of our services;

4. Protection of the property rights of the company and users;

5. Development of new services.


Obtaining information on personal data is possible in the provided section on confidentiality. This information is intended for provide a personal service. In other cases, we can collect personal information from a name or at the request of the third party (for example, the partner). 


Access to the personal information of faces or the companies which isn't relating to our company is possible only in the following limited cases: at the requirement of the client about a data transmission consent. Thus, data on the company and its branches, and also other reliable persons we provide only with special permission.


For the following reasons, we have enough bases for permission of access to this information, use of data, to their publication and a stop:


1. According to rules of legal requirements for observance of the state laws

2. Including non-compliance with potential requirements, about rendering of services according to the established conditions and provisions

3. Detection of transactions in fraud and the solution of problems of technical malfunctions and safety

4. Protection of the rights and safety of users according to their legitimate rights.


To prevent unlawful interference, alteration or destruction of data, from our side have all the necessary measures. These measures include: information gathering, storage and preparation process of internal control and security measures, as well as the personal data stored in the system to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data security measures.


Integrity of data.

According to the current legislation, the AllPrint company keeps confidentiality about personal data and rendering services with a specific goal. In the real privacy policy, for service improvement, data collection, storage and process of preparation is traced. From our party all necessary measures for accuracy and relevance of collected personal information are undertaken. But we need support of the users. Thus, each user is obliged to make changes and to update the personal data.


Access to personal information and updating procedures.

In a usage time of the services provided by the Allprint company, an entrance to personal data, editing and etc. similar procedures in a sootstvetstviye with your inquiries, also permission of removal – is special procedure. Before to start editing, when obtaining any information, you will be asked to confirm that the information belongs to you.

From a technical point of view, hard-confidential data of other users, posing a threat or that do not require access to the data on a regular basis can get a waiver on our part of the requested data. If the data access and editing does not require unlimited labor on our part, the entrance will be free. In some cases, data relating to some users, edit or delete, can be attributed to the different sections.